O que faço/What I do
Atualmente trabalho na MacnicaDHW como desenvolvedor de firmware, especialmente com Hardware customizado, em plataformas como NIOSII, ARM e ESP32.
Currently I work for MacnicaDHW as a firmware developer, working mostly with custom Hardware platforms such as NIOSII, custom ARM Boards and ESP32.
Favorite Stuff
Linux Distro
- Fedora - Rock solid.
- spacemacs - emacs community distribution, thanks to @rgnagel for introducing emacs and it to me
- espanso - great multiplataform text expander under active development
- zsh with oh-my-zsh styled with powerlevel10K inside tmux with oh-my-tmux
- Alacritty - clean, customizable and gpu accelerated shell
- Lisp - because emacs 🙃
- Rust - really like it and have been using it for just about everything that I can (thanks to @kroltan for introducing it to me!)
- LaTeX - use it a lot for documentation stuff and also with emacs’s orgmode for ease of use
- C - good, fast and dangerous.
- Python - usefull to do quick iterations on some idea before optimizing it and doing things that bash isn’t good at doing.
Personal Website
- http://luctins.me (Until I make a blog/personal website it just points back here)